Week B
Timeline of Transition

Sixth Form Subject Fair/Open Evening

This event takes place in November. The next one will be held on Thursday, 7 November 2024 for students starting in September 2025.

Sixth Form Interviews

These are conducted by the Sixth Form Team in February and March.

Induction Day

This event takes place on Monday, 23 June 2025 for those starting in September 2025. Please ensure you've booked a place by contacting Mrs Cunningham in the school office.

Results and Enrolment Day

GCSE Results Day is Thursday, 21 August 2025. This will also be Sixth Form Enrolment Day. Staff will be available on site to meet with students to provide advice and guidance and to hold enrolment interviews. Students wishing to have an appointment must phone the school to book an appointment slot.

Welcome Evening

This event usually takes place in September, to welcome new Y12 students and explain what the Sixth Form is all about. The next Welcome Evening will be in September 2025. You can access last year's presentation below.