
Giving students a voice in school is essential not only for the further development of the school but also for developing students experience of leadership, organisation and decision making.  This area of the website highlights some of the ways in which students have a voice at Highdown.

Student Interviews 

Students could be asked, by the Senior Leadership Team, to take part in student interviews.  Students are asked questions around the quality of education, personal development, behaviour and welfare. 

House Weeks 

During house weeks, when students are in vertical mentor groups, students will be placed into smaller working groups.  These groups should have at least one student from each year group in them.  Within these groups, students will be guided to discuss a variety of areas.  These discussions may include topics such as the environment, diversity, student wellbeing, strengths of the school, areas to further improve the school and how subjects are run. 

Feedback from these discussions, and the Office 365 Forms, will be passed to the Senior Leadership Team via the Student Leadership Team and Heads of House to action.  During the next house week, all students will be informed of the outcomes which will generate further discussions.