Week B

Contact Us

The front of Highdown School Reception area.

Our School Reception is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday. Our Receptionist will be happy to help you with your enquiries. Alternatively, you may email your enquiry to office@highdown.reading.sch.uk. Please appreciate that Highdown School is a very busy organisation, but we aim to get back to you within 24 hours.

If you require paper copies of information shared on our website, please contact us, using the email address on this page.

Key details: 

Postal Address: Highdown School and Sixth Form Centre, Surley Row, Emmer Green, Reading, RG4 8LR

Telephone: 0118 901 5800


To report your child absent: Call the absence line on 0118 901 5823 leaving a clear message detailing your child's name, mentor group and reason for absence before 9:00am. Alternatively, you can let us know by using the absence reporting function on ParentMail

If you wish to apply for a leave of absence: Leave of Absence Form (MS Word) /  Leave of Absence Form (PDF)

First thing in the morning is often the busiest time of the day in our school reception. Our reception staff strive to ensure all calls and visitors are responded to quickly and professionally. If your call can be delayed to later in the day, we would ask that you consider this as teachers are in the morning pre-school briefing.

If you require a paper copy of the information available on our website, please contact us to request the information you would like.

Any queries or concerns will then be directed to the relevant Head of Achievement or Assistant Headteacher. 

Finance Office Opening Times 

Students can visit the finance office at anytime during the school day.


If parents would like to collect, please contact the finance office, and they can arrange to leave your package at reception.

Travel Information 

Please find information about travelling to and from Highdown School.

Lost Property 

Students should come to school each day fully equipped for the day's learning.  Personal property, including uniform, should be named so that if misplaced it is easily returned to students.

If a student finds property that does not belong to them they should hand it in to the class teacher.  If an item is found while at break or lunchtime then it should be handed in at student reception.

If a student loses an item they should go to student reception to see if it has been handed in.  Alternatively, if they feel that they might have left something in a classroom they should ask the class teacher or curriculum leader.

Students should only bring expensive items, such as mobile phones, to school with the permission of their parents.  The school will not take responsibility for such items if they are lost or stolen.

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