Week B

School Fund Donations

Message from The Headteacher and Chair of Governors

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you will know, schools and academies have very limited funding to provide the same education for our students. In this context, Highdown School has improved outcomes despite reduced resources.    

Highdown School is a successful school both in terms of pass rates in public examinations and in progress through the school (value-added). We also provide a very rich and wide-ranging programme of extra-curricular activities and educational visits.

All of this comes at a cost and the school budget is carefully managed and overseen by Governors to provide staffing, equipment and the necessary support to allow the school to be successful.

However, this allows very little flexibility to finance the ‘extras’ that we would like to provide. For example, there is great enthusiasm amongst the staff for increasing the provision of ICT equipment in classrooms. Some of this can be funded from the budget, but progress is slower than we would like.

 The School Fund helps to provide the extras. Money raised has paid or will be paying for the following:

  • A new path connecting the school to the gate to the woods, especially beneficial in bad weather.
  • Computing tablets for use in the classroom
  • More seating outside for students
  • A mixing desk for school productions
  • A new canopy outside the Gallery Restaurant to enhance our outside space
  • New microphones for the school hall and for performances

We do not ask parents to raise money through fairs and such activities, but instead we would ask parents to make a contribution to the Highdown School Fund each year.  
We would like to ask each family with a student at the school to consider making a contribution of £50, or more if possible. This would make a huge difference by enabling us to finance the provision of equipment and resources which may not be otherwise available through normal educational funding. This is, of course, anonymous and voluntary.    

The School Fund is spent only on the approval of the Governors and is not used for staffing or to fund resources that should be provided by the normal school budget. We also involve the student leadership body in how we spend the monies raised.

Payments should be made through our ‘Parentmail’ system.  Please note that the request for payment automatically appears on Parentmail for all students from Years 7 to 13. If you already have more than one child in the school, please make the payment for the youngest only. If you are able to indicate that you agree to the Gift Aid Declaration, the school will not only receive your contribution but will also be able to claim back the tax paid on the donation.

If you would like to contribute more than £50, please pay by cheque, along with a signed copy of the Gift Aid Declaration form attached.  Cheques are to be made payable to ‘Highdown school.’  The website also has a standing order form which many families have generously used to support the School fund.    

We will feedback how the School Fund is spent through the school’s website. I would like to thank you in anticipation for your generosity. If you have questions about the contents of this letter, please write to either of us care of the school.


Standing Orders

A number of parents have contacted us as they would prefer to set up a standing order for the School Fund donation rather than pay through parentmail. This way regular payments can be set up on a monthly or annual basis. If you would like to set this up then please complete the form below or contact the Finance Office. Thank you.  


Gift Aid

If you're a UK taxpayer, Highdown School is able to reclaim the basic rate of tax on your donation at no extra cost to you. If you are able to indicate that you agree to the Gift Aid Declaration, the school will not only receive your contribution but will also be able to claim back the tax paid on the donation.