Week A

Highdown is a place where tradition meets innovation, from the 16th century tythe barn to the state-of-the-art computing facilities, and this rich heritage coupled with our dynamic teachers means that Highdown is a place where pupils achieve more than they thought possible.

It goes without saying that we enjoy the very best in academic standards, with passionate specialist teachers in every department from Mandarin to Further Maths to Textiles. This summer, 80% of our pupils passed English and Maths at GCSE and over 20% of A-Levels were graded at A or A*. But our co-curricular offer is where the school comes alive; from our leadership pathways to our international trips, there is something for every child to excel in and to develop their resources, skills and resilience so they can feel confident in embracing their future.

Whilst they are with us, we take great care to make sure pupils feel they belong. Our mentor groups and thriving house system ensure they build relationships with staff and peers that are healthy and happy. School life is permeated by our core values of aspiration, respect and excellence. We ARE Highdown!

Highdown’s success is rooted in the enthusiasm and pride of our staff. We never take for granted the transformative power of education and this is reflected in our commitment to routine, high quality professional development that is rooted in the most recent academic research.

I hope you enjoy learning more about the school from the website and look forward to welcoming you here in person so you can experience first-hand what a special place Highdown is.


Ms. L Mathews
