An essential part of secondary school education, our Personal Development curriculum will provide our students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to
- Keep themselves safe and healthy (online and offline)
- Embrace opportunities and respond effectively to challenges
- Make a positive contribution to school and wider communities
- Demonstrate empathy and compassion, building emotional literacy, and be accepting of equality, diversity and inclusion
- Demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law, and liberty
Our Personal Development curriculum is delivered through:
- Weekly Character, Culture and Citizenship (CCC) lessons, including PSHCE, RSE, Safeguarding, RE and Citizenship. (More information can be found here)
- Careers programme
- Mentor Period programme, e.g. VESPA principles (Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice and Attitude)
- PiXL Edge programme
- Weekly assemblies
- Our 'Reading Aloud' programme
- Trips and visits
- Extra-curricular clubs
- Enrichment lessons in Year 12
- Student Leadership
- House System and activities/events
- SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development across the curriculum
- Visiting specialist speakers and organisations
- GCSE Religious Studies and GCSE Citizenship
- Primary to secondary transition support and programme
- Alternative Provision
- Themed weeks, e.g. Careers Spotlight Week, House Weeks
- Performing Arts productions
- Sport engagement and teams