Week B

Free School Meals

There are many benefits of registering your child for free school meals at Highdown.  For every child registered the School receives money to help you with:

  • Free School Meals (saving you more than £350 per year)
  • Free compulsory uniform items
  • School trips
  • Essential equipment for Maths

Students receiving free school meals are able to use the Gallery in the same way as other students.  The school operates a cashless system for payment and therefore other students will not be aware that your child receives free school meals.

If you are eligible for free school meals but want to continue giving your child a packed lunch that is fine.  However please still register for free school meals as the school will receive funding to help support your child.

How does it work?
  1. First, check if you qualify – it is not just if you are unemployed, so please look at the attachments.
  2. Registering is really quick and easy – if you think you qualify, please bring your completed application into the Finance Office at school.
  3. No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.

Please register as soon as possible to make sure your child does not miss out.  If you have already registered, thank you and please contact us should you want your child to attend a trip for which there is a charge.