
An essential part of secondary school education, our Personal Development curriculum will provide our students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to

1. keep themselves safe and healthy (online and offline)

2. embrace opportunities and respond effectively to challenges

3. make a positive contribution to school and wider communities

4. demonstrate empathy and compassion, building emotional literacy, and be accepting of equality, diversity and inclusion

5. demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law, and liberty



Our Personal Development curriculum is delivered through:

  • Weekly Character, Culture and Citizenship (CCC) lessons, including PSHCE, RSE, Safeguarding, RE and Citizenship. (More information can be found here)
  • Careers programme
  • Mentor Period programme, e.g. VESPA principles (Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice and Attitude)
  • PiXL Edge programme
  • Weekly assemblies
  • Our 'Reading Aloud' programme
  • Trips and visits
  • Extra-curricular clubs
  • Enrichment lessons in Year 12
  • Student Leadership
  • House System and activities/events
  • SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development across the curriculum
  • Visiting specialist speakers and organisations
  • GCSE Religious Studies and GCSE Citizenship
  • Primary to secondary transition support and programme
  • Alternative Provision
  • Themed weeks, e.g. Careers Spotlight Week, House Weeks
  • Performing Arts productions
  • Sport engagement and teams