Week A

Good behaviour in school supports effective teaching and learning and promotes an ethos of mutual respect. Poor behaviour disrupts learning and wastes resources. Highdown School & Sixth Form Centre has established a number of practices and procedures designed to promote good behaviour and manage unacceptable behaviour. 

Students can expect to be awarded 'House Points' (ARE+ points) for demonstrating good effort, notable improvement in their work or attitude to learning, production of high quality work, contributing to the learning of others, promoting positive community values, etc. These range from ARE1 and ARE2 by class teachers, ARE3 by Curriculum Leaders or Heads of Achievement, or a ARE4 Award from the Head Teacher. Each students' points will contribute to their mentor group totals and house points which are celebrated at the end of each full term and the academic year. Mentors can be particularly competitive!

Where standards fall short of what is expected, students will receive 'Consequence Points' (ARE- points). These will be matched with a same day centralised detention system for students who receive a Consequence Point. These are cumulative up to 60 minutes after school. All Centralised Detentions start at 3.05pm. An ARE1 is a 20 minutes detention, ARE2 is 40 minutes and ARE3 is 60 minutes. Parents and students can follow behaviour information through www.Classcharts.com or the Class Charts app (on iOS and Android). Failure to attend detentions, or more serious misdemeanours will result in students attending longer detentions, spending a period of time internally excluded. For very serious breaches of our code of conduct, students may receive a fixed period exclusion, as determined by the Headteacher.

More details about our rewards and sanctions systems can be found in our Behaviour Policy (please see our policies page).