Week A

Uniform, Kit & Equipment

Our uniform policy can be found on our policies page here.

School uniform is available to order online, directly from our supplier, SWI Schoolwear Ltd. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school on 0118 901 5800 or finance@highdown.reading.sch.uk.

The uniform outlined below is the required uniform for the full academic year. Branded items can be purchased from SWI Schoolwear Ltd. (Details below for how to order branded items.)

  • Blazers with the Highdown logo are compulsory and should be worn at all times unless invited to remove them.
  • Shirts or blouses should be plain white.  T-shirts and polo shirts are not permitted.
  • Jumpers and cardigans are not compulsory but if a student chooses to wear one, it should be plain black with the Highdown logo.
  • Trousers and shorts should be formal, tailored and plain black.  Shorts can be worn in September and Terms 5 and 6 only. The following is illustrative of type of short permitted:

  • Skirts should be formal, tailored, plain black, pleated and knee-length (this item can be obtained from SWI or from high street stores). The following are illustrative of the style of skirt required:

  • Socks should be plain grey, black or white.  Tights should be plain black or neutral coloured.
  • Shoes should be plain black and polishable.  Trainers (including Nike Air -type footwear) are not permitted. The following are illustrative of permitted/non-permitted shoes:

Additional information:

  • Hijab, if worn, should be a dark colour, ideally black.  Non-religious head-coverings are not permitted.
  • Outdoor coats should be plain and worn over the jumper and blazer.  Coats are to be removed in lessons.
  • Hairstyles should be simple and not attention-seeking. Only natural hair colours are permitted and long hair should be tied back. Shaved patterns are not permitted. 
  • Jewellery is not permitted except watches and single studs (no more than one per ear) and facial piercings are not permitted.  Students who breach this code will be asked to remove items, hand to a pastoral leader for safe-keeping and collect them at the end of the week.  All jewellery must be removed for P.E. lessons.
  • Make-up (including fingernails) should be inconspicuous. 
  • Please ensure that EVERYTHING is named clearly.
  • Hats/caps may not be worn inside school buildings.

Second-hand uniform can be obtained from the Highdown School PTA who regularly advertise their stock in parent newsletters, website and on social media and can be contacted via email alinapetito@yahoo.co.uk.

The school has a stock of second-hand uniform which can be loaned to students.  

Support is given to disadvantaged families in the purchase of items with the Highdown logo.


Prohibited items:

The following list is not exhaustive but illustrative of items that are prohibited at Highdown School. Under Department for Education guidance, we have the authority to conduct searches where we suspect a student may be in possession of a prohibited item in school. Any such items brought to school will be confiscated and, where appropriate, the Police will be notified.

  • Vapes, vaping fluid, cigarettes, tobacco, cigarette papers 

  • Matches or lighters   
  • Alcohol 

  • Illegal drugs and/or drug-related paraphernalia, including edibles 

  • Nitrous oxide or helium canisters 

  • Water balloons/water pistols 

  • Painkillers 

  • Medication (unless stored in First Aid) 

  • Scissors not of safety scissor type 

  • Weapons (or replicas) or anything that could be used to cause injury or an offence, e.g. bladed items 

  • Pornographic material 

  • Fireworks, poppers 

  • E-scooters, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades 

  • Stolen items 

  • Glass bottles, including perfume bottles 

  • High energy (caffeinated) drinks

  • Tippex or other solvents  

  • Non-standard uniform, e.g. bandanas 

PE Kit 

PE Shirt

With school logo

Compulsory - Purchase from School Supplier


Black with school logo

Compulsory - Purchase from School Supplier

Multisport Top

With school logo

Compulsory for outdoor sports - Purchase from School Supplier (Boys only) 

Long Sports Socks

Red Compulsory - can be purchased from School Supplier

Tracksuit Bottoms

Black and plain Optional - can be purchased from School Supplier

Sports Hoodie

With school logo Optional - Purchase from School Supplier



Compulsory - These should be fairly strong, but not too heavy or bulky. Multipurpose/cross trainers would be appropriate.



All jewellery must be removed for PE

Swimming costume and towel


Additional when required

Football boots  

Additional when required



Compulsory - For school matches

Mouth guards


Recommended - For Rugby lessons

Basic School Equipment for Every Lesson 

Those with prices next to them are available to purchase from the finance office.

Blue/black pen (and a spare one)


Pencil £0.10
Coloured pens/pencils  
Ruler £0.10
Rubber £0.10
Glue stick £0.50
A calculator £9.00
Geometry set £1.50
Exam pack (clear pencil case with a calculator, geometry set, 2 pens and pencil £10.00
Scissors (must only be safety scissors) -

Stationery items should be kept in a clear pencil case and all equipment should be carried in a school bag.

Purchasing Uniform 

School uniform is available to order online, directly from our supplier, SWI Schoolwear Ltd. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school on 0118 901 5800 or office@highdown.reading.sch.uk.

Our PTA also has a stock of second hand uniform available for purchase. If you would like more information please contact via alinapetito@yahoo.co.uk.


How to Order

Please order with SWI Schoolwear Ltd in plenty of time to allow for any returns/re-orders if necessary to ensure that all uniform is correct for the start of term.

Order online by visiting the SWI website. On your first visit to the website, you will be asked to register your details as a new user.  Alternatively, you can download the order form at the bottom of this page or phone SWI Schoolwear Ltd on 01928 752610 option 1.

Order online with SWI Schoolwear Ltd

Free delivery into school - our nominated delivery day is Monday 

Home delivery (free on orders over £70)

If your child is eligible for free school meals, has been eligible within the last 6 years or is the child of a parent in the services please contact the Finance Office for a uniform voucher/code, finance@highdown.reading.sch.uk. This will allow you to purchase the compulsory uniform directly with SWI. Your order can only be processed by phone, 01928 752610 option 1, quoting the voucher code once you reach payment option. The voucher will be valid from 10 June 2022 to 9 December 2022.


Items can be delivered direct to school or to your home address (this is subject to a small delivery charge for orders under £70).


SWI offer a 28 day returns policy on all goods. Goods will need to be returned directly to SWI in their original condition and packaging. Items which are not in their original packaging or have any tags removed will not be eligible for a refund. If you have any discrepancies with your order, please report these within 48 hours by emailing customerservice@swi.co.uk. It can take up to 7 working days for the voucher credit to go back onto your account. Once the voucher credit has been applied you'll then be able to place a new order. Should you exceed the voucher amount, the remaining balance will need to be paid for by debit or credit card.