Week A

Parental Engagement

Parental engagement in school life is an essential aspect in ensuring the success of all students.  Parents that are aware of what their children are studying and what feedback their teachers are giving are in a much stronger position to offer support and guidance and ensure rapid progress.  The following are just some of the ways that parents are able to engage with their child's learning:

  • Look regularly at your child's exercise books.  Look out for teacher feedback in the form of WWW, (What Went Well) and EBI, (Even Better If).  Students should be responding to teacher feedback through MRI, (My Response Is).
  • There should be evidence of re-drafting work following EBI's or DIRT (Dedicated Improvement & Reflection Time) given in class.
  • Parents might be asked to complete a PRI, (Parent Response Is).  This might be in the form of a comment or simply a signature to show that you have looked at and discussed a piece of learning with your child.
  • Check Class Charts to follow your child's behaviour and attitude to learning.

Direct communication with staff is also important if you have any concerns or require some information.  Please think about who the best person to contact is.

  • Mentor (tutor) - normally the best person for first contact as they see their tutor group every day.
  • Head of Achievement or Assistant Head of Achievement
  • Subject Teacher
  • Curriculum Leader

Mentors (tutors) can be contacted via email or phone the school to speak to a particular member of staff we will try and get back to you as soon as we can, normally within 24 hours.  Highdown is a very busy school, and of course teachers are busy teaching lessons and therefore we may not be able to talk to you or call you back immediately.

Please attend subject evenings and information evenings for particular year groups and ensure that you have signed up to ParentMail.  This will help to keep you as well informed as possible.